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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOX News  June 12, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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poland buying a lot of lng. it will buy billions dollars worth of lng from us and we appreciate that. >> common initiative to presidents. >> pres. trump: right. >> mr. president, you plans to -- pipeline from germany to russia? >> pres. trump: well, we're looking at it. people have a right to do what they want to do. it is something i've been looking at and i'm the one that brought up the pipeline problem. you have russia giving a tremendous percentage of energy, you know, this gas is going into germany. how can you do that? we're protecting germany from russia and russia is getting billions and billions of dollars of money from germany. i brought up the problem. with that being said, i hope they get along, but russia is paying 1%, as i said, not paying 2%. they should be paying much more,
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germany. germany is paying 1%, they should be paying 2%, they should be paying more than that. we'll see how that works out. now i think this, we have something much better. we have tremendous lng, liquified natural gas and a lot of european countries are wanting it, including yourself. tremendous amounts are being sold to different places all over the world, but also to europe. i think that is really the way, spend tremendous amount of money, i do think this and i would say hopefully nothing will happen, nothing negative. we'll have a great relationship with russia. great relationship with china and with germany and everybody else. i do think that germany is putting themselves at tremendous disadvantage 50, 60 or even 70% of energy is being supplied by russia. i don't know how you can do that. >> the pipeline -- >> pres. trump: no, no, let me
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explain it differently. germany has the power to block it. you know how they block it? by not buying it. germany made a decision to buy tremendous percentage of energy from russia. germany, whether they should be doing that or not, they have the power to block it. they shouldn't buy it. or if they want to, they can. but that is really a decision of germany. i'm not saying i would be in favor. i think the german people aren't very happy about it, it really makes germany a hostage of russia, if things happen that were bad. hopefully that will never happen. go ahead. >> your reaction to the -- [indiscernible] -- defend itself. >> pres. trump: i would think they would, sure. i hope they defend themselves. i would think they would defend themselves. iran is not the same country. when i became president, iran was a terror all over the world, they just made this horrible deal for the united states, the iran nuclear deal.
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i became president and i terminated the deal and iran now is in chaos, it's got a lot of problems. i don't want them to be that way, we're stopping their oil. we're stopping a lot of different things. we just stopped the steel and metals, all metals, all forms of metals. and as you know, they have tremendous inflation, a lot of problems. i don't want them to have problems. the problem could be solved, but you know what they have to do and they didn't do it properly and the deal president obama made was a horrible deal. it was a horrible deal. $150 billion, $1.8 billion in cash, it was a horrible deal and i terminated the deal, very nicely, i terminated the deal. since i terminated that deal, iran is not the same country. with all of it being said, hopefully we'll be able to get along with iran. if we can, that is great. if we can't, that is great, too. >> question on venezuela,
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please. >> pres. trump: venezuela is obviously in flux, it is doing unbelievably badly. this was one of the richest countries, had tremendous oil, everything, when you have a bad system, it became a socialistic system or worse and now people don't have food, they don't have water or anything, it is a very sad thing. we're watching venezuela closely. >> russia had told you that they were taking out a large part of their military. russia has denied that. >> pres. trump: let's just see who is right. you know what you will do, see in the end who is right. you just watch it, okay. we'll see who is right. ultimately, i'm always right. go ahead. >> mr. president, thank you very much. establish great corporation -- >> pres. trump: i will be meeting with putin at the g20, meeting with president xi, many leaders at the g20.
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>> [indiscernible] >> pres. trump: it is probably easier, you people are so untrusting, probably better. would you like to be in the room? okay. the i would imagine you would be. i think it is probably easier if we have people in the room, you people don't trust anything. any ahead. >> mr. president, you establish great -- any comment -- >> pres. trump: the first ladies know each other, they get along with each other, they are going out to lunch right after this, would you like to say something? >> it is great to have them here in the oval office and in the white house and i'm looking forward to talking with duda about children, what they are facing in our country and poland, as this will be the first time and we will continue to do so. >> mr. president, when the [indiscernible] -- >> pres. trump: looking into that, actually.
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that is the kind of relationship we have with poland. we are looking strongly at visa requirements with respect to poland. something could happen. >> mr. president, talk during the press conference, today very important agreement between our government was signed, very important for this step. >> pres. trump: big step. >> mr. president, can you say what -- mexico would be, how would you know the deal is working? >> pres. trump: because our country has been so successful over the last 2-1/2 years, it has been incredible, our gdp numbers, our production numbers, our manufacturing, employment numbers, we have most people working in our country we've had, almost up to 160 million people, never been close. because the united states has become so successful in terms of economic and what it means, the economy of the united states, tremendous numbers of people are
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trying to come into our country. i'm saying you can't do that. you have to come in legally and you have to come through merit. a lot of things are happening, but mexico stepped up to the plate, perhaps it was because of tariffs. i would say perhaps being defined is 99%. that doesn't matter because the president of mexico and i have a very, very excellent relationship. we spoke. his people were here for 2-1/2, three days working on the agreement and i think it will mean a lot of, a lot fewer people coming up. you just can't crash our borders like this, mexico has very, very strong immigration laws. we have incompetent, the worst immigration laws, dumbest laws anywhere in the world, there is nothing close. mexico laws are arizona they can be. mexico moving troops to their southern border, a lot of troops, we never even heard of a
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number like that, a lot of troops. that is what they want to do, because they want to produce. i think mexico wants to produce. if mexico does a great job, you will not have very many people coming up, if they don't, we have phase two. phase two is very tough. but i think they will do a good job. with all of that being said, if the democrats got together with me for 15 minutes, we could wipe out the loopholes and we wouldn't need anything from anybody, but right now, mexico is helping us much more on immigration than the democrats in the u.s. >> mr. president -- >> pres. trump: phase two is a much tougher phase, much tougher. >> [indiscernible] -- president duda over the white house. >> pres. trump: i do. 1:55, we'll have the world's greatest fighter jet, most
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advanced plane probably anywhere in the world, most advanced plane, and at 1:55 to 2:00, we have to worry, we have to make it, we'll end with this question. we'll have two super f-35s flying at a great rate of speed and they're doing a second fly-back and i think they will go straight up and put on a very small show for us, but it is something. we're doing that because poland has ordered 32 or 35 brand-new f-35's at the highest level and the latest model. i congratulate you on that, you have good taste. [indiscernible] -- >> pres. trump: well, because the united states has tremendous polish population. they were very much in favor. they liked me and i liked them and a lot of them voted for trump and i've always loved the polish people and respected the
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polish people. they are very, very hard working and smart. they love their country and love our country, too. i'm always in favor of poland. thank you, sir. >> thank you, everybody. >> thank you. >> harris: we always let it lag a little bit, sometimes the president will take another spot question. i'm harris faulkner, welcome to "outnumbered overtime." we begin with breaking news from inside the oval office. president trump there with the president of poland and for just a moment, you got to see something extremely rare, he yielded the conversation to the first lady and she spoke about her goals with the meeting. they enjoy having the duda's in the white house visiting from poland. i want to get to john roberts.
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john, big headline, all of this, and a lot of questions were about what is going to happen with china and the trade deal that hopefully is potentially on the table. >> a lot is unknown. the two leaders are supposed to come to the rose garden in an hour to give a press conference. the president sat there for longer than he will at the press conference. it is unknown what will happen with a trade deal with china. china seems to be backing away from the deal they had on the table with the united states perhaps looking at poll numbers we see across the country that president trump disputes that show president trump would lose in a match up against the top six democrats. they were apparently waiting for outcome of the mueller investigation before moving ahead. that came out in the president's favor, china capitulated and said we'll do a deal, somebody said maybe he won't make it to
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the 2020 for another four years. the president will be meeting with president xi at the g20. just yesterday he said, i think there will be a meeting, the chinese have not committed to one yet. that is still unclear, the president seemed to be more definitive today saying there will be a meeting. in terms of where we go with china and trade. the only question left about that, maybe i will, if i get an opportunity at the press conference, how long does the president wait to do a deal with china before he hits them with 25% on the remaining 325 billion in chinese goods in term its of tariffs. >> harris: that would be one question, how long does the president wait to kick in what he's going to do, the other is in reference to mexico. the president said there is potential phase two, if mexico does not continue to keep his word south of our southern border in terms of holding asylum seekers in that country
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and dealing with influx of migrants into the united states, putting 6000 mexican troops on border to hold them at bay. if it doesn't continue, phase two. what do we know about phase two? >> i don't know that the asylum deal is on the table yet. the president will let mexico take moves, taking the national guard, mexican national guard on the border of honduras to reduce migrant flow. a sharp photographer got a shot of the letter that president trump was holding up, it clearly says if mexico doesn't take significant action within 45 days, the u.s. will implement a plan and we don't know exactly what that plan is because we couldn't read that part of the paper, what president trump talked about, this position of tariffs beginning at 5%, ratcheting up to 25%. also, foreign minister of mexico
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said on monday if approximate mexico doesn't significantly curb flow of migrant through mexico to the united states within 45 days, it may take steps to become a safe third country, which would mean migrants who move up through mexico could only claim asylum in the united states in mexico and if they cross the border into the united states, they would be ineligible. a lot we don't know about this, the president calls it a secret deal. the photographer from the "washington post" made it less secret yesterday. there is a lot we do not know about it. there seems to be window of 45 days being here, crucial element. harris. >> harris: john roberts giving us headlines out of the extensive q&a that was not yet the news conference inside the oval office with the polish president duda, a lot of news being made. thank you. team usa made it look easy. i watched twice, they crushed thailand in record fashion, 13-0. whether they can expect a
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bumpier ride ahead. u.s. soccer legend alexi wallace joins me. to look at me now, you don't see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx... ♪ i was covered. it was awful. but i didn't give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen.
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>> she's got it. 13-0. [cheering] >> harris: i painted my face in my living room, it happens. u.s. women on fire. defending champions opening world cup play by thrashing thailand 13-0, a record number of goals there. co-captain alex morgan drilled five of those into the back of the net. next up, team usa versus chile, that is sunday at 11:30 a.m.
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eastern. right now, you are looking at an american soccer legend, fox sports soccer analyst, you know who you are, veteran of two team usa world cup teams, alexi lalas is here. i've been watching your coverage. i stay up late to watch the replay. a lot to talk about with this. this was so exciting. i want to get a little bit of your vision play by play, what was special about that first match up? >> well, first off, it comes to coverage, it is rough here every day coming to the incredible set at eiffel tower and add on we get to watch a good team, a great team in the u.s. women's national champions, unlike last summer in the men's cup, the u.s. didn't have a team there. we get to watch them defend their title and they started tournament in fine fashion, 13-0, incredible, goal after goal after goal. they really set the marker and
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they announced their presence with authority and if this is what we have in store going forward from the u.s., this is incredible attempt to win yet another world cup for this women's team. >> harris: it has not been without controversy. you talk about that 13-0. i understand why you keep going after those points because if there is ever a tie at the end of this tournament, those goals will make a difference. soccer legend, abby wombback tweeted in defense of team usa yesterday. with all due respect, did you see alex morgan last two goals and her last assist? they were world class. this isn't rec league soccer, this is world cup, stop judging these women with patriarchial glasses. you would never say this about a men's team, period. you responded. yes, we would, why did you say that? >> i responded, i love abby, but she's wrong. we would say this regardless of
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who won 13-0. keep in mind, though, there is a lot of talk right now about basically three camps, either you love the fact that this team scored a lot of goals and celebrated, you love the fact this team scored goals, you don't like the fact they celebrated or you don't want them to score goals or celebrate. i come out, this is wonderful, i have no problem with them scoring as many goals as you mentioned when it comes to goal differential and no problem with them celebrating. this team is here to win the world cup. this team is not here to make friends. i love this team. this team doesn't need to apologize for being good, this team worked hard to get to this position. we're talking about this right now, that is okay. you are talking about it. people across the united states are talking about it right now. keep in mind, because of the way they behaved, that target that was huge, gets bigger. >> harris: that is interesting. >> if they fail, there could be problems going forward.
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>> harris: that is the part you say not particular to women or men, about the idea wow, everybody is really coming after you now. i'm not really talking about this, this is something that heated up the world over. i happen to think your game determines what people talk about. so sunday, when we faced chile, what is that going to look like? >> it will look like another demolition of an oshg poenent, not what we saw against thailand. >> harris: we are viewing the demo? >> team on a mission, exactly, this team is on a mission right now. this is a team you can be proud about in terms of the ability they have individually, collectively, keep it interesting and smart and talented women, you will not always agree with everything they do or say, you will be proud in the way they recognize the responsibility to go and to get the job done. >> harris: see, this is not just like anybody saying this, olympian, hall of famer, alexi
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lalas, great to get your perspective. before i let you go, one more hard news point happening today, the issue of equal pay. you see this in world-class tennis, as well, the discussion about three sets versus men's five. what is your take on it? >> i think the u.s. women's team should get as much money as they possibly can. when you look at what they are able to do on the field, doesn't compare to the men's team does on the field, this is going to continue to be a talking point. one thing the women made very, very clear, one reason they feel they deserve this type of equal pay is because of consistency of quality that they have given us year after year after year, winning world cups, winning olympics, being there and winning games and making us proud. they want to keep doing that, that makes the cause easier to attain. given as much money they want, i
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hope they get as much money as they can. >> harris: alexi lalas, part of the fox family covering for fs1. one quick thing you want to say as you go into new round of kfrnl coverage this weekend? >> tune in. greatest groundhog day in the world. i love to talk about soccer, get to do it at the eiffel tower with incredible collection of men and women to bring the tournament all month. it will only get better on the field and off the field, we'll bring the stories. hakdz >> harris: when you come to new york, teach me to kick. alexi lalas. tune in for everything he was talking about, including sunday, 11:30 a.m. eastern to see the team usa face off against chile. it will be hot. a new poll shows joe biden and five other democrats leading president trump nationally. but similar poll in december of 2015, people said it was too
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early then, is it too early now. should the president be worried? is it too early to put stops in the polls? former d.n.c. official is joining me next, he's in the house today. akes a lot of money. the mortgage, the bills, credit cards, home improvements. it all takes cash. getting that cash is just a phone call away. call newday usa. the newday usa 100 va loan lets you take out an average of 54,000 dollars to pay debts or put in the bank and it lowers your payments over 600 dollars a month. and because newday usa has been granted automatic authority by the va they can close your loan in 30 days or less. they even do all the va paperwork for you. helping veterans get the financial peace of mind they deserve. that's what newday usa is all about. at newday usa veterans can
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>> harris: president trump and joe biden ripped into each other in iowa yesterday, a new quinnipiac poll shows the former vp and five other democrats leading the president by a healthy margin. summer of 2015, a similar quinnipiac poll showed biden, hillary clinton and bernie sanders with significant leades over then-candidate trump. just moments ago, president trump claims he's winning in every state has team has polled. i want to bring in former deputy national press secretary for the d.n.c. so it is early. we have seen this before. that original polling from last time before held to be true. why are we watching this?
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does it matter? >> it is american politics, next to the super bowl, this is what it is all about, right? for political -- >> harris: or women's soccer. >> thailand, beautiful, 13-0, we got to do it again. part of the question is, polls are important, they give you in general terms good indication of what could happen. if democrats want to retake the white house in 2020, they have to come out and vote. >> harris: what do you say about the intensity building now? joe biden, he will skip a couple major events and i'm not disrespecting that in any way, one reason was his granddaughter's graduation. there may be things you will have to ask forgiveness on to be at big occasions. that means he goes into the democratic debate, the first one
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basically untouched, untested by those of his own party. is that good strategy? >> i think part of it, the vice president is not new to politics. >> harris: he lost two times when he ran, i'm wondering if he will change his game. >> that is true, he is charismatic. name recognition, huge, popular. part of this, he's got -- my strategy would be, go against the president, be straight on against president trump. the same time, you got to tell the american people who is it that you are going to do if you take the white house. >> harris: yeah, cory booker was saying it can't just be what you are against or who you are against, it has to be what you are for. the true moderate is john delaney, below the 1% line, or around there. a lot of people are running around that point. does that help or hurt joe biden? >> look, joe will participate in every single debate, no question
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about it. i think the d.n.c. in their right mind have to do limitations. there is a few, 23 candidates. >> harris: that means an unknown among them. >> i am about diversity, i think 23 is plenty. the threshold has to be bigger -- >> harris: speaking of diversity, mayor of new york, deblasio says we are squashing diversity. the hill is reporting that 20 of them have met one qualifying threshold, which is max number the d.n.c. will allow on stage. those who don't make it will likely find their campaign on life support. who will be left out? bill deblasio may scoot in, what does he mean there is no diversity? >> there is 20 candidates that qualify, there is plenty of diversity, we have latino
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running, plenty of women running for president. i think the mayor, with all due respect, is upset he might not make the debate, looking for excuse to say, i'm here, too. you better work for it. >> harris: let's talk about president trump and his ability to squash an opponent with a nickname. all you have to do is ask a few republicans who ran against him, were given nicknames and spent pr time saying that is not true about me. it can sometimes be productive and results yielding type of attack. do you see the nastiness of the campaign? do you see those types of things ruling the day rather than policy? >> one greatest challenge the president will have to face, harris, negative the way did in fwent 2016. first thing he said mexican gangster, bad people, latinos comes into our country.
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>> harris: he didn't say that all. >> he put big majority of latinos in negative light. >> harris: did you understand that to be, i want to lean in a little bit, understand that to be something reflected in policy now or any of that going forth? we're having bigger conversation about southern border. >> harris, same president behind closed door said we don't need all the people from all this partial, horrible countries, right? i think the president, the way he talks about minorities, it is hurtful. i think he has to do a better job in communicating. this is why and polls say this, majority of african americans, latinos, majority of women, go democrat. we address them with respect and we talk about issues they care about. >> harris: interesting, the economics may challenge some of what you are talking about. jose aristumuno, thank you. one of the most notorious trials
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in history, we reflect on the o.j. simpson saga with a key member of his defense dream team. is doing the things that i want to do, not the things i have to do. unlike seattle, less than half of americans participate in their employer retirement plans. so what keeps people more engaged in their retirement? i want to have the ability to easily transact online, great selection of funds, great advice, everything in one place. helping people in their working years and beyond. that's financial wellness. talk to your employer or start a plan at prudential. if you have moderate to little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression.
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>> harris: today marks 25 years since the brutal murder of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. one of the most watched television events in u.s. history. police charged o.j. simpson with the killings. he was ultimately acquitted in 1995. jonathan hunt live to set it up in hollywood with more on the case's continued effects today. jonathan. >> harris, good afternoon to you. everyone above a certain age remembers the news of the murders, the bronco chase, every twist and turn of both trials, the criminal and civil. only a handful of people have had to live with the consequences everyday since then, the other victims, the families of nicole brown simpson
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and ron goldman, woken up everyday for 25 years with a hole in their heart. on this 25th anniversary of the brutal murders, we choose not to talk about o.j. simpson, but to talk about the families, ron goldman's father, fred, who sat down for an interview you can see in full on maria's show tomorrow morning. here is fred goldman. >> ron isn't there on a day-to-day basis to share in our share in his life and he share in ours. my daughter, who had the most unbelievable relationship with her brother, has lost that. they had talked often about having a time in which their kids could play together, gone, not possible. didn't have a chance to share ron's dreams and watch him grow. >> fred's daughter kim, is
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channelling her still raw emotion into a cast launching today called confronting o.j. simpson, here is a clip. >> confronting this part of my life is something i still need to do. i want to confront the fear, the grief, the anger, the loss, the shame. >> and for anyone who might actually be interested in o.j. simpson's well being, he gave an interview to the associated press this week, harris, he said he is "just fine." something the families, nicole brown simpson and ron goldman will likely never be able to say. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. key part of the notorious murder trial was the dream team of defense attorneys for o.j. simpson who ultimately got him acquitted. i want to bring in key member of the team, carl douglas. thank you for joining me. all these years later, the big question has to do with justice.
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the family feeling like justice was served. do you think it was? >> you know, harris, first of all, thanks for having me on your show. i've been a lawyer for over 40 years and justice often takes different turns, depending on the perspectives of the opinion with the opinion. i understand how the goldman and brown families have this grief and this hole in their heart, which will probably never be closed. but for me, as a criminal lawyer in los angeles, yes, justice was served, i think, because i will go to my grave believing that the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, not that o.j. simpson was innocent or not, but failed to prove he was guilty beyond a reasonable
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doubt, which is their solemn obligation. >> harris: interesting perspective. let me let forensic pathologist dr. baden say it in this way, things have change and i wonder how that might change this case. you didn't say he was innocent , you said not found guilty. let's watch dr. baden. >> with the forensic science and d.n.a. introduced with the case, the d.n.a. testimony was a big part of it, but the jury didn't understand it because it hadn't come into general use at that time. >> harris: given what we now know, criminal court and acquittal, different situation in civil court and now potential, if we could look at the evidence differently, what would you do differently? >> you have to understand one, that the burden in the civil trial was different than the burden in the criminal trial.
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so i can understand getting in different burdens, why there was a different result and i also understand what michael baden was saying, one of the best experts i've encountered. then d.n.a. did not hold widespread acceptance and understanding that it does in 2019. i can understand how he might have the perspective the results may have been different if the case was tried today. harris, i still will stand on my belief that in this case the police lied to convict someone whom they thought was guilty. in this case, the police cheated, i say, to convict someone who they think was guilty. and in america, if the police could lie and cheat in a case
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involving o.j. simpson and win, then none of us would be safe. so there is always the larger question as a civil libertarian about justice. >> harris: yeah. if it does not fit, you must acquit. did you know you were going to pull off that so-called stunt with him trying that on in the courtroom or was that spontaneous? >> the fact there was the glove demonstration was something chris darden chose to do on his own. i remember there was a sidebar conference with the lawyers right before then. johnny came over and said, guys, chris is going to have him try on the glove. no one react. you saw that demonstration, a couple weeks later, on a saturday, we were all in a conference room in our offices going over the week's events and jerry allman was on a speaker
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phone in the middle of the table there. hey, guys, i have a saying for us, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. there was a pause and then the room erupted with high fives because we knew that would be the theme that would resonate so vividly with our jury in that trial. >> harris: interesting to get your first-person perspective, carl douglas, one of the members of o.j. simpson's dream team that helped get him acquitted of double murder. carl, good to see you, thanks for joining me 25 years later after the death of nicole and ron. >> harris, thanks for having me on your show. >> harris: sure. the i'll be right back. address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served our country honorably. whether it's two years, four years i'll be righ. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa.
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>> i'm in for dana perino, we are waiting for a news conference with president trump. he will be watching flyover with the president of poland, we'll bring that to you live. plus, bernie sanders, making a major speech at 2 p.m. on socialism, what can he say that will win over nonbelievers? we'll tell you. >> harris: do you know where your tax dollars are going? this new book can tell you "2019 book on annual waste," showing
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22% spike in earmarks, this year cost more than 15 billion in taxpayer money, including 14 million for wild horse and burrow management, 12 million for aquatic plant control program, 9 million for fruit fly quarantine program and a study in 2011. joining me tom, president of citizens against government waste. we see this every year, there is a tick-up and in which areas are we watching? >> across the board, harris, up to 15.3 billion, more than double fiscal year 2017 and more than half of the record 29 billion in 2006, very much going in the wrong direction. on the other hand, senate republicans agree to permanent ban, that is a rule, not the law. the only way to stop it have
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permanent ban enacted by congress. >> harris: permanent ban on spending our money? >> just telling you earmarks, responding our money. interesting, but not yet. >> harris: yeah, we have seen all sorts of ways they will spend our money, i want on the record clear with that, kind of jokingly. why is this continuing to be a problem? you can follow the deficit on twitter. it hit 22 trillion dollars a couple months ago, people were like, why are we doing this? why are we spending so much, specific to earmarks, though? >> earmarks are bipartisan effort, democrats controlled appropriate committee, they had the most. when the republicans controlled it, they had the most. it is unfortunately in washington, a matter of three parties, democrats, republicans and appropriators and appropriators get together and add items to appropriate bills.
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there is more torium, we are finding earmarks and for example, senator brian schatz, no relation, added for the east/west center in hawaii, budget for the agency. they had north/south center in 2001, they stopped giving it federal money. this is what goes on here, unfortunately on both sides. >> harris: wow, tom schatz, we have breaking news to get to. the book has a pig on the front, we know, it is burgeoning now. the president now is looking to decide, he said he would and promised we're going to have the world's greatest fighter jet, most advanced plane fly-over while the president of poland and his wife, the kornhauser dudas are here with the first lady and president. we will have two f-35s and a second flyback and go straight up, going to put on a small show for us and there it is. viewing it because poland
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ordered brand-new f-35s at the highest level, that means the president has looked at the president of poland earlier and he said, that means you have good taste. american fighter pilot are on display as we watch this live together. i just -- what is -- let's hear it. >> harris: now remember, i said the president said there would be a second fly back and the planes would go straight up. so this continues on. but we wanted to show you that first flyover. the president of poland said an important agreement has been struck with the united states today, detailing troops moving from germany to poland at the
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visit to join the fight. >> harris: we started with the president and then a patriotic flyover on the white house lawn. here's "the daily briefing." >> president trump about to hold a news conference with the president of poland. the president moving to block house democrats from obtaining documents on a controversial question on citizenship. hello, everyone. i'm julie bandares in for dana today. skw>> julie: we begin with john roberts and what's going on the whoug. there's a lot going on today. >> reporter: there is, julie. just about four minutes ago we had a very very unusual sight. the skies over washington,


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